Saturday, October 31, 2009

Inchoation 3.0 received with mixed enthusiasm

Inchoation 3.0, Lingua Franca's orientation programme was received with mixed enthusiasm. The participation was not as much as we had expected, mainly due to a music n dance event going on in parallel; But we sure had fun!

Apart from the stupid microphone that acted on it's own will and a final-year student (that's me!) embarrassing himself, there were some good activities.

Word games like crossword (hosted by Etika), a vocabulary based word-thambola (hosted by Avijit and Meghna), a round of dumb-charades (hosted by Shradha and Shubham), and some short movie clips were the highlight.

Some pics from the event

I must appreciate the students who came and participated in the programme. Once again, a warm welcome to freshers!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

keep up d gud wrk... :)
dnt wry abt d crowd as v have to emphasize on quality rather dn quantity..all efforts appreciated.. :)