Now this blog looks more lively! The reason why i revamped the look of this blog is to mobilise some kind an activity here. This blog was lying dead. Shreyasi was regularly posting but there was hardly anyone reading her posts. I felt that making this a community blog would do us a lot good. Hence I sent in invitations to everyone who has a blog. This blog can have a maximum of 100 contributors so incase you are interested in becoming one, send a request mail at I will promptly dispatch an invitation.
Blogging is a wonderful thing to do. It makes you take out some time for yourself(and for the society in this case). Writing is one of the most powerful media a man can express himself in. It gives you way to siphon off your "creative tensions". There is a lot of creativity entrapped in each and every one of us. All we need to do is give it a chance, an opening.
I have always believed that the purpose of being organising members of Lingua Franca is not only to conduct successful events in college but also build a very strong sense of companionship, a team-bonding amongst ourselves. This blog might just help us do that.
Another very important purpose of this blog is to chronicle the events we organize. In the last one semester alone, we might have conducted atleast 10 events. But we(I) don't even remember half of them. We have no records, no fixed place where we write down all we do. This blog solves that problem. I am sure many years down the line when we look back and read the posts of this blog, it will give us all huge satisfaction and happiness that we did something like this.
Yet another reason for the existence of this blog is to facilitate interaction with Lingua Franca alumni. How will Rupali Tyagi or Siddharth Goyal be known to students who join college(and Lingua Franca) next year? There you know now..
I guess that's all for now. Write in you suggestions/criticism about the template.
hey now this looks great....and I am sure we will keep rising as a team in the years to come...all luck!!
pleased to hear that..thanks!
hey... the yellow patch on the blog on the top right makes it really difficult to read... can it be edited somehow...
Hie tarun,
yea that yellow patch is a nuisance, i tried some changes but to no effect. Im thinking of changing the template bear with me till then!
btw which yr are you in?
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